Determinants of the European Union Rural Population Change in 2007-2010


Natural change and migration are important determinants of the economy and environment. In the EU strategic documents the socio-economic developmental priorities have a territorial aspect, referring to all the regions of the member states. Achievement of the Union's sustainable growth policy objectives could be limited due to unfavourable demographic trends in rural areas. The paper, using the Eurostat data and selected measures of population reproduction, describes the changes in number of rural inhabitants in 2007-2010 and their main determinants. In the analysed period the rural population size increased. However, contrary to the urban and intermediate regions, since 2009 as a result of a surplus number of deaths over births, in the rural areas the negative values of population increase were observed.


Rural areas; Population migration; Rural population

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Published : 2013-12-31

Dudek, M. (2013). Determinants of the European Union Rural Population Change in 2007-2010. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 28(2), 45-51. Retrieved from

Michał Dudek
Państwowy Instytut Badawczy w Warszawie  Poland

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