Changes in Productivity of Selected Branches of the Polish Food Sector in the Years 2004-2013
The aim of this paper is to specify changes in productivity of the Polish food sector as a whole and its selected branches in the years 2004-2013. Analyses were conducted based on the Malmquist Productivity Index (MPI). In the MPI model the following variables were adopted: the output - sold production (million PLN), inputs - average number of employees (thous) and gross value of fi xed assets (million PLN). It was confi rmed that productivity of the Polish food sector improved in the years 2004-2013. Results of analyses showed that changes in technical effi ciency had a greater eff ect on changes in food sector productivity in Poland - particularly in the fi rst period following Poland's accession to the EU and starting from 2009, i.e. the outbreak of the economic crisis. Technical change had a considerable eff ect on the improvement of productivity in the food sector only in the years 2006- 2008. The greatest mean annual improvement in productivity in the analysed period was observed in meat and milk processing and beverage production.
Food industry; Productivity
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