Knowledge of Inhabitants of Darłowo and Września in the Aspect of Correct Municipal Wastes Management
The paper presents state at social participation of inhabitants of Darłowo and Września in the process of municipal wastes management. The aim of the paper was an evaluation of the people's knowledge connected with municipal waste segregation, as well as further fate of the separated municipal wastes. The assessment was based on the populations surveys. People are divided into 3 groups according to age. Each group consisted of 100 inhabitants of Darłowo, as well as Września. On the basis of obtained results it may be stated, that the residents showed quite satisfactory knowledge related to the necessity of wastes segregation. Moreover, the respondents can correctly distinguish essential types of municipal wastes as: paper, glass, plastics and metals. Despite this, the further fate of selected municipal wastes for most of was the surveyed was not well - known. In this context the respondents very often indicated on a landfi ll as a one of the most popular methods of municipal wastes utilisation. The obtained data of the surveys indicated that, the knowledge of inhabitants of Darłowo was higher than that of Września. In general men presented broader range of information related to municipal waste management. The oldest persons, 60+, showed a complete knowledge of municipal waste management.
Ecological awareness; Waste management; Commercial wastes
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Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu Poland
Przedsiębiorstwo Wodociągów i Kanalizacji we Wrześni Sp. z o.o. Poland
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu Poland
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