
This paper presents changes in the structure of the national economy in Poland, mainly in the post-war period, manifested through a dramatic decline in the share of agricul- ture in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and employment and a decrease in household food expenses. However, this does not represent a decline in the importance of agriculture, which is the first link in the food economy. As a result of tech- nical and biological progress, the level of intensity of agricul- tural production and land productivity increased, which made it possible to satisfy food needs. Given that, attention started to be paid to other agricultural functions related to the protec- tion of the environment, including landscape. The economic objectives of farmers striving to further increase the level of production intensity and farm area (market and production scale) started competing with environmental protection ob- jectives. The purpose of this paper is to present agricultural production systems that differ in the degree of accounting for measures related to environmental protection. To this end, the following farming systems were evaluated: conventional, or- ganic, integrated and precision farming systems, taking into account the principles of the Common Agricultural Policy. The systems assume a holistic approach to the organization of farms and the commitment to circular economy. These expec- tations are met to the greatest extent by the organic farming system. However, this system will not dominate due to exist- ing limitations (in knowledge and markets). It is the integrated farming system that should prevail, as it makes it possible to the greatest extent to meet the farmers’ economic and social objectives while addressing the environmental protection ob- jectives. Also, the fulfillment of environmental objectives by farmers gives legitimacy to supporting their activities from the state budget.


agriculture; farms; farming systems

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Published : 2018-12-31


Wojciech Ziętara
Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics – National Research Institute, Świętokrzyska 20 St., 00-002 Warszawa  Poland

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