This paper deals with the issue of silver economy assumptions which, when implemented, will enable convert- ing demographic problems into specific development oppor- tunities. It presents the use of the silver economy paradigm in creating the rural development strategy. This paper assumes that a development strategy which addresses the needs of the ageing population fosters an improvement in living stand- ards not only for the elderly but also for other members of the population. In the case of rural areas and agriculture, it preserves the multi-functionality of rural areas and helps the local inhabitants continue exercising their various profes- sions. The content of this paper is in line with economic and social analyses underpinned by achievements in sociological and economic research, and is based on existing sources and outcomes of own research. A descriptive analysis was used to present the issues considered.
silver economy; rural areas
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Department of Sociology and Economic Ethics, Poznań University of Economics and Business, Al. Niepodległości 10 St., 61-875 Poznań Poland
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