The 2019 Forum is organized as an International Conference with the following leitmotif:
The technology transfer in agriculture – from university research to innovation
The 100th anniversary of agricultural and forestry studies in Poznan
The aim of the meeting is to further strengthen the cooperation in the fields of education, research and cultural exchange among the universities, research institutes and enterprises in the countries along the Silk Road. During the Forum new members will be accepted to join the Alliance. In addition, the Alliance council members meeting aims at developing the annual plan of the Alliance for the year 2020. The forum will establish a common ground for cooperation among the Alliance members.
The official languages
English, Chinese and Russian. Simultaneous translation via headphones will be provided during the working sessions (English–Chinese, English–Russian)
Important dates
- February 12th, 2019 – Registration opens
- May 31st, 2019 – Early registration deadline
- September 24th-27th, 2019 – conference