Support for Organic Farming in Poland after 2004


Support for organic farming after 2004 till now includes two programming periods. Surcharges from the EU budget are the main source of financing in agricultural sector. Founds from PROW allocated between 2004 and 2011 grew over 135.42k EUR and all transfers grew over 408.19k EUR. The aim of the research was to analyse changes regarding support for organic farming, taking into account its features including an area of agricultural crops, permanent grasslands, vegetables and orchards. Diversification of the amount of aid for organic farming in Poland is big and depends on the structure of ecological land use and organic farms' surface.


Ecological agriculture; Financial support; Payments for agricultural; Agriculture development programs; Rural development Programme

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Published : 2014-12-31

Golinowska, M., & Adamska, H. (2014). Support for Organic Farming in Poland after 2004. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 31(1), 31-41. Retrieved from

Maria Golinowska
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu  Poland
Hanna Adamska 
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu  Poland

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