Does the Common Agricultural Policy Still make Sense in the Twenty-First Century? CAP after 2013 from the Perspective of Poland and Hungary


The EU CAP has developed immensely since the 1960's. However, its current determinants are completely different from those which formed the CAP foundations. This results mainly from the fact that the UE CAP must meet present-day challenges and threats. Moreover, further EU enlargements also significantly influenced performance of this sector of economy. It is important to determine whether the existence of the CAP in the twenty-first century still makes sense and to specify in more detail the CAP reform directions after 2013 from the perspective of Poland and Hungary. 


Common Agricultural Pol(icy CAP); Land reform; Trade; Agricultural products; Safe food

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Published : 2009-12-31

Daszkowska, E. (2009). Does the Common Agricultural Policy Still make Sense in the Twenty-First Century? CAP after 2013 from the Perspective of Poland and Hungary. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 14(4), 13-32. Retrieved from

Elżbieta Daszkowska
Warsaw School of Economics, Poland  Poland

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