Effect of Agricultural Commercialization on Food Security Among Smallholder Farmers in Polokwane Municipality, Capricorn District of Limpopo Province, South Africa
Agricultural commercialization refers to agricultural transformation in which farmers shift from mainly consumption oriented subsistence production towards market and profit oriented production systems. This study examined the effect of agricultural commercialization on food security among smallholder farmers in Polokwane municipality of Capricorn District in South Africa. Primary data were collected using structured questionnaire. A multistage sampling technique was employed to collect data from 56 respondents in the study area. Analytical tools employed descriptive statistics, ordinary least square regression and Logistic regression. The results showed the majority (87.5 percent) of the farmers were market oriented. The study also revealed that number of hired labourers, farm size, government subsidies, type of mechanization and monthly expenses had influence on commercialization in the study area. Again, age of respondents, their marital status, level of education, farm size, number of labourers employed, mechanization type and the level of commercialization were the determinants of food security in the study area. The study therefore, recommended that smallholder farmers in Polokwane municipality should be provided with productive inputs such as land, irrigation facilities and other incentives, market information, credit facilities and extension services to enhance commercialization. Investment in capacity building through education should also be intensified to enhance commercialization because of its positive influence.
Agriculture; Komercjalizacja; Bezpieczeństwo żywnościowe; Gospodarstwa rolne
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University of Limpopo South Africa
University of Limpopo South Africa
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