System of Draining off and Purifying of Sewage in Rural Areas - Progress and Needs


During the period analysed in the elaboration the acceleration of system of draining off and purifying of sewage took place. Those changes are reflected in higher levels of indicators describing the discussed elements of ecological infrastructure. The length of the sewage system increased eight times and the number of their connections to the flat buildings - nine times. It is vital to remember, that despite the progress in ecological infrastructure, their level and availability are not sufficient to satisfy the existing needs. Only 22% of rural population utilizes the services of sewage treatment plants and 20.2% the services of sewage network.


Sewage treatment; Water and wastewater management; Rural areas; Municipal infrastructure

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Published : 2008-12-31

Dolata, M. (2008). System of Draining off and Purifying of Sewage in Rural Areas - Progress and Needs. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 9(3), 53-62. Retrieved from

Małgorzata Dolata
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu  Poland

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