Formy zagospodarowania mienia Zasobu Własności Rolnej Skarbu Państwa


The Agricultural Property Agency (previously the Agricultural Property Agency of the State Treasury) has been in existence for over 16 years. Forms of management of property from the Agricultural Property Stock of the State Treasury and statistical data on the subject are presented in the paper. The dominant forms are lease and sale. Main problems faced by the Agency are identified. They results primarily from a lack of respective legal regulations. 


Agricultural Property Agency of the State Treasury; Sale Lease; Land Lease

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Published : 2008-12-31

Suchoń, A. (2008). Formy zagospodarowania mienia Zasobu Własności Rolnej Skarbu Państwa. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 8(2), 145-153. Retrieved from

Aneta Suchoń
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu  Poland

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