The Records of the District Land Registry in Cracow


The complex records of the District Land Registry in Cracow contain 916 j. a. records and books - 14 mb and 595 j. map. The most important part of the complex are documents from the Faculty of Agricultural Devices concerning aspects connected with conducting agricultural reform. Statistical materials that relate to large secular and church land ownership are next part of the complex records. They are gathered mainly to establish land supply which can be used to allotment. The separate group of records are matters concerning aspects of land turnover. These are land registries' permissions for part and entirely sale the properties for one buyer. Materials concerning aspects of financing agri-cultural reform on the Małopolska Voivodeship ought to be searched at the Administra-tive Faculty. A very essential supplement for upper mentioned records is the set of 573 maps and the District Land Registry in Cracow' plans. The news included in mentioned documents of the District Land Registry in Cracow have an invaluable value, not only for people engaged in polish village issues in the XIX and XX centuary, but they are very es-sential saurce of information for judical and economic purposes. It's worth remembering of reaching for records of the Provincial Office in Cracow while using with land registry documents, too. There are a lot of materials concerning land registries organization and aspects connected with land allotment and join. 


Land reform; Real estate trade; Ownership of real property; Private property; Village

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Published : 2008-12-31

Kłusek, M. (2008). The Records of the District Land Registry in Cracow. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 8(2), 49-56. Retrieved from

Mirosław Kłusek
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu  Poland

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