Productivity and Efficiency of Economic Activity of the Lower Silesia's Large Area Farms in Comparison with Other Large Area Farms in Poland


The paper shows economical and financial situation of the agricultural companies which have most of the grounds in lease. Analysed objects were settled on Lower Silesia (the province in the south - west Poland). The main part of the results of research was about productivity and efficiency of economic resources in these objects. The research was made in years 2000-2002. The results of research in analyzed Lower Silesia's companies were compared with the best Polish large area farms in order of law and organisation forms: leased farms, private farms and partnerships of Polish public agency AWRSP. 

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Published : 2009-12-31

Minta, S., & Tańska-Hus, B. (2009). Productivity and Efficiency of Economic Activity of the Lower Silesia’s Large Area Farms in Comparison with Other Large Area Farms in Poland. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 11(1), 169-176. Retrieved from

Stanisław Minta
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu  Poland
Bożena Tańska-Hus 

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