Analiza tendencji zmian na polskim rynku piwa


The article shows the analysis of Polish beer market in progress. On the basis of the carried out research it can be stated that Polish beer industry can be rated as one of the most modern hi-tech in the world. It is caused by cooperation of foreign investors with the Polish market which has resulted in a strong consolidation and separating of three major breweries owning almost 90% of the national beer market. Very tough competition between huge producers has also brought benefits to consumers who have received better quality product at a lower price. Moreover, changes in consumers' habits have occurred. This is described by reduction in consumption of hard liquors on behalf of soft alcohols with the major position of beer. Polish beer market is close to satisfying consumers' demands. Beer consumption per one inhabitant in Poland is close to European mean but its development will not be so dynamic as before. The situation is caused by the risk arising from the law which is not clear. Moreover, increasing fiscal aggravations and costs of production which due to the increase of prices of raw materials are also critical.


Beer market; Brewing industry; Market analysis; Alcohol production

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Published : 2010-12-31

Gołaś, Z., & Ścibek, M. (2010). Analiza tendencji zmian na polskim rynku piwa. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 15(1), 67-80. Retrieved from

Zbigniew Gołaś
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu  Poland
Mariusz Ścibek 
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu  Poland

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