Diversification of the Economic Profile and Selected Aspects of Market Activity in Age Groups of Young Consumers


In the article an influence of the age of young consumers on chosen economic aspects of their market activity was described. It is stated that with the age of young consumers their purchasing fund and sources of its recruiting were increasing. Teenagers (secondary-school people) more often demonstrate also a tendency to save money to concrete objectives, e.g. holidays, travels, training, but their current expenses are concentrating mainly around different active or passive forms of spending free time. Older teenagers are also more critical in relation to advertisements, and price and different instruments of sales promotion are factors which are exerting a significant influence on their purchase decisions. With the growth of importance of goods in the hierarchy of satisfying needs, role of determinants of choice besides the price, also a brand of the product are assumed. 


Consumer; Market bahaviour; Youth

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Published : 2010-12-31

Adamczyk, G. (2010). Diversification of the Economic Profile and Selected Aspects of Market Activity in Age Groups of Young Consumers. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 15(1), 5-15. Retrieved from http://www1.up.poznan.pl/jard/index.php/jard/article/view/756

Grażyna Adamczyk  adamczyk@up.poznan.pl
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu  Poland

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