Knowledge of Neurodevelopmental Profile as one of the XXI Century Manager's Basic Competences


Majority of situations which man participates in are social situations, which other people attend directly or indirectly. Members of a group are connected with each other by mutual relationships system, which come into existence and change via continuous mutual influencing each other on the feedback rule. It is important to remember that the way how people behave does not only depend on their social group status. It most importantly is dependent on the type of mind they possess, as well as how they proceed with the learning process and which factors determine their individual neurodevelopmental functions. Human brain is responsible also for some disturbances in their behaviour such as: mastering the skills, assimilating facts or knowledge, carrying out defined actions, working systematical and maintaining in accurate speed, accommodation to scope of requirements, conflicts solving, reading of social information and reacting to them. Premises which are mentioned above show the fact that if we want to be an acting manager in modern company we should know the role of eight neurodevelopmental systems and treat them seriously. We are able to define and create optimal conditions for functioning of every mind and following on to form this friendly, effective organisation in which every employee can work at his own pace, using his own unique knowledge, interests and avocations by knowing his and his associates neurodevelopmental functions and having awareness of existing differences in this scope. In conclusion we can state that the XXIc manager's role reaches far beyond the tasks which are the essence of the profession (management). It concerns such problems as: interaction optimalization between individual human and his work (good individual preferential accommodation to objective environmental requirements), thus creating advantageous organisational climate, reducing psychological costs of work, decreasing tensions, conflicts and also responsibility for a lot of employees in changing situation and difficult job market. Taking into account the above reasons characteristics of neurodevelopmental profiles and their components, have been accomplished. 


Competences; Manager competencies development

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Published : 2011-12-31

Kowalczyk-Kassyk, A. (2011). Knowledge of Neurodevelopmental Profile as one of the XXI Century Manager’s Basic Competences. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 19(1), 63-70. Retrieved from

Agnieszka Kowalczyk-Kassyk
Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie  Poland

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