Condition and Development of Wind Energy in European Union


On conventional background of both Polish and European Union development of energy policy, an analysis was carried out of condition and perspectives of wind energy development in the context of renewable energetics, which as well as water energy is the fastest growing renewable energy field in industrialized countries all over the world. Based on different international and national sources, with taking into consideration statistical data and scientific literature, authors revealed upward trends in wind energetics as characteristic economic trend, irrefutable in modern European geopolitical conditions, current for Polish economy development and energy policy in context of overall approach to European Union energy policy. In the paper the role of wind energy development is presented as inherent Polish and European strategy of regional development, permanent and sustainable development, diversification of energy supply, gaining independence from manning the domain political.


Energetics; Wind energy; Renewable energy development strategy

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Published : 2009-12-31

Kisiel, R., & Wasiuta, A. (2009). Condition and Development of Wind Energy in European Union. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 11(1), 141-154. Retrieved from

Roman Kisiel
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie  Poland
Aleksander Wasiuta 
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie  Poland

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