Higher Education Selected Aspects (Towards Quality of Education)
Socio-economic situation, liberalisation of life and commercialisation and legal regulations implemented with the amendment of the Higher Education Law pose new difficult challenges for universities. Higher education environment and legal regulations show numerous contradictions which make researchers and teaching staff's work difficult and reduce possibilities for high quality education. The author draws attention to selected issues (dilemmas) pertaining to research and education at a university, its operation and organisation, while emphasising threat to academic traditions, trust and authority of a teacher. This necessity is strengthened by the social and economic changes. The competence of a teacher has appeared in the course of the process teaching, therefore the teachers' education as a rule in a relation teacher-student.
Higher education; Teachers; Quality of the teaching staff; Assesing the learning process
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Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie Poland
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