Training Activities in the Siedlce Region of the Mazowiecki Agricultural Advisory Centre in Warsaw
The aim of the study was to diagnose the needs of farmers within the scope of the training courses conducted by the Mazowiecki Agricultural Advisory Centre in Warsaw in the eastern part of the Mazowieckie Province, in the region of Siedlce. 184 farmers, who had 21 areas of training and four types of training to choose from, were questioned. Based on the survey results, it was found that farmers chose a total of 1015 times from the proposed themes and types of training. One respondent was interested, on average, in more than 5 ranges of thematic training. Of the four isolated thematic groups the most popular were subjects on general agricultural production, chosen 324 times. This was followed by the new technologies of agricultural production 280 times and economics of agricultural production 277 times. The slightest interest was observed in the issues related to agritourism and regional and traditional products, 134 times.
Consultancy; Agricultural advisory; Training; Arable farm
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Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach Poland
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