Budget of the Topólka Commune and the use of EU Funds - Case Study
The aim of article is to show and evaluate how funding from the European Union has helped to develop the Topólka commune and improve living conditions of its citizens. To achieve this Topólka budget performance reports have been analysed and dynamics of the changes has been recorded. It appears that in 2007-2010 the province obtained most of its income from external sources in the form of different grants and subventions. The average for the obtained grants in 2007-2009 was 32.3-33.1%, while in 2010 it fell to 26.1%. Money from the budget is spent on own and commissioned projects. The research shows that, in the studied period, the majority of funds was allocated to education and parenting (31% of total spending). The research also proves that investment requirements of the commune exceed its annual budget. Without help from the EU, Topólka's development would slow down considerably.
District budget; Subsidies; EU funds union; District development strategy
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Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy, im. J.J. Śniadeckich w Bydgoszczy Poland
Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy, im. J.J. Śniadeckich w Bydgoszczy Poland
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