Sectorial Union Exclusion and Competition in the Sector of Insurance
Competition policy is a major and earliest agreed policy. Reasonableness and necessity of the conduct is directly linked to one of the main objectives of the European Communities, which was to create a common market in the Member States. Policy is to give guarantees that the barriers lifted internal trade within the common market, will not be replaced by other activities on the part of companies or governments, leading to distortions of competition. The introduction of sector exemptions in specific sectors of the economy is important in the economic policy of the European Union by providing consumers with easy access to goods and services in different markets at similar prices. The article signaled problems impact of sectoral exemptions on selected market mechanisms. For the purposes of empirical case study was used, focusing its thoughts on the insurance sector.
Insurance sector; Competition; Market mechanism
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Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie Poland
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