Social Capital and Use of Funds Under The Integrated Regional Operational Programme 2004-2006


The paper presents a preliminary analysis of the use of funds under the Integrated Regional Operational Programme 2004-2006 in relation to the level of social capital in rural communities and urban and rural areas. The analysis determined the synthetic indicator of social capital by Perkala and examined the dependence of this ratio on the size used in correlation with the diagram.


Integrated Regional Operational Programme; Social capital; Village; Rural areas

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Published : 2013-12-31

Pijawka, T., & Kazak, J. (2013). Social Capital and Use of Funds Under The Integrated Regional Operational Programme 2004-2006. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 27(1), 189-197. Retrieved from

Tomasz Pijawka
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu  Poland
Jan Kazak 
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu  Poland

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