Specificity of Cooperative Efficiency Evaluation According to Abnormal Cooperative Additional Value (ACAV) Measure


Abstract. In order to evaluate the efficiency of dairy cooperatives the author applied Abnormal Cooperative Additional Value (ACAV) measure, according to Pietrzak [2006]. The measure constructed in that way integrates profits of cooperative companies with a procurement price (which includes potential benefit to the farmer). Comparing economic evaluation of dairy cooperatives based on economic profit and on ACAV, considerable differences were proved in the evaluation of economic results of cooperative entities.


Cooperative creameries; Cooperative movement; Research efficiency; Efficiency measurement

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Published : 2013-12-31

Mierzwa, D. (2013). Specificity of Cooperative Efficiency Evaluation According to Abnormal Cooperative Additional Value (ACAV) Measure. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 27(1), 167-177. Retrieved from http://www1.up.poznan.pl/jard/index.php/jard/article/view/602

Dominika Mierzwa  dominka.mierzwa@wso.wroc.pl
Wyższa Szkoła Oficerska Wojsk Lądowych im. gen. Tadeusza Kościuszki  Poland

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