Impact of Intangible Assets on the Economic Effectiveness as Illustrated by National Enterprises in the Manufacturing Mushroom Compost


As a result of intensive increase in the production of mushrooms in recent years, Poland has become the biggest provider of this produce in Europe. The fact has entailed also a considerable rise in the production of compost. The paper, analyses the financial data relating to the six biggest manufacturers of phase III compost for growing mushrooms in Poland, for 2006-2010. The aim of the paper is to advance an initial reconnaissance whether different rates meant to reflect intangible assets of these companies are connected with purely economic measures. In order to examine the companies representing the sector of mushroom compost production, the following were made use of: CIV (Calculated Intangible Value), intellectual capital rate built on the basis of that known as Q Tobin, and rate Z (the model provided by D. Wierzba).


Intellectual capital; Measurement; Enterprise effectiveness

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Published : 2013-12-31

Łobos, K., & Szewczyk, M. (2013). Impact of Intangible Assets on the Economic Effectiveness as Illustrated by National Enterprises in the Manufacturing Mushroom Compost. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 27(1), 143-152. Retrieved from

Krzysztof Łobos
Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa we Wrocławiu  Poland
Mirosława Szewczyk 
Politechnika Opolska  Poland

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