State of Selected Branches of Pork Production Sector in Poland Compared to the Main Producers in the European Union


The article presents the situation of selected branches of pork production sector in Poland against the largest pork producers in the European Union. The volume of production and prices of pigs was analysed. Finally, the cost of pig production and the level of profitability in selected member countries of the Community were compared. 


Production of meat; Meat industry; Meat market; Pork meat

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Published : 2013-12-31

Knecht, D., & Środoń, S. (2013). State of Selected Branches of Pork Production Sector in Poland Compared to the Main Producers in the European Union. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 27(1), 119-131. Retrieved from

Damian Knecht
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu  Poland
Sebastian Środoń 
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu  Poland

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