Impact of the Income Based Taxation on an Individual Farm's Economic Standing (Test Simulation for a Farm Established of the Opolski District)
Individual farmers are exempt from personal income tax which provides a major departure from the principle of the duty's common nature. Undoubtedly, introducing farmers' liability for income tax will result in their obligation to maintain accounting records necessary to assess taxable income. The article is aimed to present particular bookkeeping modes for tax purposes and to discuss, which forms of taxation, i.e. lump-sum tax, flat tax, progressive tax, would turn out more beneficial for a selected farm. The simulation shows clearly that substituting the agricultural tax with the income tax assessed in compliance with the regulations applicable to sole traders will result in the decrease in the income from agricultural activities in the analysed farm. It is worth noticing, however, that taxation on general terms may prove profitable for some selected farms. That would apply to the farms making loss or to the farms with such a low profit that after all the due deductions and allowances they are likely not to pay the tax at all or their liability would be lower when compared to the agricultural tax obligations. (original abstract)
Arable farm; Income; Agricultural tax; Income tax
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Uniwersytet Opolski Poland

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