Determinants of Agricultural Holdings Sustainability


Agricultural policy in the European Union, at the Community level, as well as Member Countries, increasingly emphasize the issue of sustainable development of agriculture. This is a response to the multiplying threats to the environment. Referring to this problem, it was justified to estimate the level of agricultural holdings sustainability (on the basis of FADN data) and recognize its determinants. There was applied multidimensional statistical analysis and logistic regression. The research indicated that identification of environmentally friendly agriculture with low profit production is ungrounded.


Arable farm; Sustainable development; Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN); Mulitidimensional analysis

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Published : 2012-12-31

Wrzaszcz, W. (2012). Determinants of Agricultural Holdings Sustainability. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 24(2), 285-296. Retrieved from

Wioletta Wrzaszcz
nstytut Ekonomiki Rolnictwa i Gospodarki Żywnościowej – PIB  Poland

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