Importance of agribusiness in National Economies of Poland and Germany. Production and Income Results
The objective of the research is to compare the importance of agribusiness in Polish and German economies. The paper analyses the internal structure of agribusiness and its share in national economies in terms of production and income results. The analysis is based on input-output matrix. The results show that the changes in the agribusiness structure in Poland go in the desired direction. The agriculture loses its significance, while food industry and industries manufacturing the production means and service become more significant. Agribusiness' share in the national economy in Poland has been systematically falling in the analysed period. It must be emphasised here that the Polish agribusiness is still run in an old fashioned way, while in Germany it is modern. The main condition to change the situation in Poland is to generate economic growth and be able to benefit from the CAP instruments.
Agrobusiness; Production; Value added; National economy
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Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu Poland
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