Importance of Folk Sports Teams in Shaping the Sports Activity of Rural Areas Young Inhabitants in the Opole Region in the Years 2001-2010
In the times of progressing commercialization, the existing sports organizations - Sports Folk Teams - seem to be areas of pure sport. Rural areas sports activists and sportsmen themselves present an altruistic and open attitude towards sport. The activity of the team members is voluntary and is often of a charitable character since the main objective of local clubs is both active and attractive utilization of the young rural community's free time. The teams in focus play a vital role in bringing up both children and youth; sport is not only a test of physical strength or abilities, it teaches action and acting, compromising attitudes and patterns of behaviour, as well as loyalty towards partners. The aim of the article was depicting the sports teams as a form of promoting sport among the young people of the Opole voivodeship in the period discussed. Additionally, the tasks realized in 2010 by the Opole Province Association (Local Country Teams), performed owing to the cooperation and support of the provincial marshal's office, are presented here.
Sport; Youth
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Uniwersytet Opolski Poland
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