Economic Situation and Expectations of the Rural Population and Farmers in Poland in 2010


Presented in this article are the results of the studies on selected determinants of self - assessment of the economic situation of rural and farmers' households. A comparative analysis was carried out between self - assessment, incomes and selected characteristics of socio-economic situation of the rural and farmers' households and households belonging to other socio-economic classes. The econometric analysis shows that there is a strong dependence of households' assessment own economic situation on earned income. It should be emphasized that the percentage of farmers' households which accept their own situation is significantly lower than in other types of households with the same income. This probably results from the close connection of consumption and production functions in that class of households and thus their greater financial needs. In the study statistical analysis and econometrical methods were used. Data coming from household budget panels studies of the Polish Central Statistical Office from 2010 were used.


Social class; Agriculture; Households; Household income; Social and economic conditions

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Published : 2012-12-31

Hanusik, K., & Langowska-Szczęśniak, U. (2012). Economic Situation and Expectations of the Rural Population and Farmers in Poland in 2010. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 24(2), 69-81. Retrieved from

Krystyna Hanusik 
Uniwersytet Opolski  Poland
Urszula Langowska-Szczęśniak
Uniwersytet Opolski  Poland

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