Strategic Analysis of PKM Duda SA. on Polish Meat Market with the Application of BCG Growth-Share Matrix


The main goal of this paper was to examine the market position of one leading meat processing enterprise PKM Duda SA. on the domestic meat market. The assessment of the activity portfolio on its three strategic units was undertaken with the usage of BCG matrix. The PKM Duda SA. was chosen for the study because: a) processes more than 20 tons of slaughter per week, b) is located in the country of origin, c) exists on Warsaw Stock Exchange Market, d) preserves continuity of its database in Monitor Polski "B". The analysis proved that all three examined strategic units have different market shares and operate on markets of a different acceleration. The highest income rate brings the meat processing unit (B), the lowest slaughter unit (A). The market position of PKM Duda SA. can be improved when a retail trade unit (B) moves away from question marks into stars. Although BCG matrix draws a fast and a complex strategic situation, is not free from disadvantages. That is the reason why further, also portfolio, analysis should be im-plemented.



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Published : 2012-12-31

Zielińska-Chmielewska, A. (2012). Strategic Analysis of PKM Duda SA. on Polish Meat Market with the Application of BCG Growth-Share Matrix. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 23(1), 155-162. Retrieved from

Anna Zielińska-Chmielewska
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu  Poland

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