Perpetual Usufruct of Agricultural Lands - Selected Legal and Financial Issues


The article makes an attempt to determine whether the legal regulations provide a perpetual lessee with, first of all, stable conditions to hold agricultural lands and to run a business activity on these lands and, second of all, whether the regulations make it easier for perpetual lessees to acquire the right to own the lands they possess. The first part of the article concentrates on the legal nature of perpetual usufruct as well as the rights and financial obligations of a perpetual lessee. Then, the paper focuses on the transformation of perpetual usufruct into the right of ownership and the expiry of perpetual usufruct. Next, the article analyses the issue of a perpetual lessee as an agricultural producer. At the end, the Author states that perpetual lessee possesses a wide range of rights and can freely run an agricultural activity on agricultural lands. The legislator has acknowledged perpetual usufruct, along with the most popular forms of holding lands such as ownership and lease, to be a stable element of rural relations. Thus, a perpetual lessee can be granted the European funds, agricultural tax reliefs and insurance in KRUS. 


Long-term lease; Arable land; Legal regulations

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Published : 2014-12-31

Suchoń, A. (2014). Perpetual Usufruct of Agricultural Lands - Selected Legal and Financial Issues. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 34(4), 159-171. Retrieved from

Anna Suchoń
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu  Poland

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