Utilisation of Support from the RDP - "Diversification Into Non-Agricultural Activities", on the Example of a Selected Farm
As the role of agriculture as a primary source of income of the population residing in rural areas is decreasing, it is necessary to create the possibility of supplementing income from agricultural production by income from non-agricultural activities. The creation of such opportunities is, however, associated with incurring many costs, often exceeding the financial capabilities of people involved in agriculture interested in moving to work in other sectors of the economy. Therefore, great importance of EU programs in the Rural Development Programme (RDP). The aim of this study is to verify the benefits gained by the farm by using support from the RDP - "Diversification into non-agricultural activities", on the example of farm operating in poviat of Opole, and comparing achieved results with the objectives included in Axis 3 of the RDP. The studies related to the commencement of non-agricultural activities shows that the main objectives that guided the implementation such activities on the farm, is connected with the objectives of sustainable socio-economic development of rural areas.
Rural Development Programme; Financial support; Rural areas; Arable farm
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Uniwersytet Opolski Poland
Uniwersytet Opolski Poland

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