Polish Agri-Food Foreign Trade and its Comparative Advantage in 2008-2013
The purpose of the article was to show the directions, values, structure and assessment of comparative advantage of Polish foreign trade in agri-food products. Adopted time range covered the years 2008-2013. The analysis was based on the data from the statistical publications of the Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics and the Central Statistical Offi ce. The results indicate a constant increase in the value of foreign trade in agri-food products, as well as a stable positive balance of foreign trade of these products. In the commodity structure the largest share in the period 2008-2013 were plant products (an average of 55.37% of total exports and 65.08% of total imports). Analysing the changes in the value of Lafay indicator of diff erent types of agri-food products in 2008-2013 decrease can be observed in this ratio in the case of total animal products (-4.24) and a simultaneous increase of the comparative advantage in the export of plant products in total (4,00)
Foreign trade; Agricultural and food processing; Comparative benefits
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