
The study investigates pro-environmental behaviors of the Millennials (Generation Y) in the area of grocery shopping, in-house food management and consumption. Data was collected using CATI methodology among 124 young people belonging to the Millennial generation (born between 1977 and 1994), residents of the eight largest cities of the Polish Mazovia Region. Results demonstrated that consumers were not homogenous in terms of environmental consciousness however generally were aware of various negative consequences of in-house food consumption practices. Despite this, during grocery shopping the majority of respondents focused on the determinants typically linked to food (taste, quality, healthy eating), not their environmental and social values. Additionally they did not express readiness to make their diets more sustainable and decrease consumption of meat (half of the group) and other animal products (2/3 of respondents). Millennials accept sustainable products and services if they are directly beneficial to them (fitness, health, economics, convenience) and suit their preferences and expectations.


Millennials; consumer behavior; sustainable food consumption; food market; innovations

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Published : 2017-12-31

Kaczorowska, J., Rejman, K., & Halicka, E. (2017). PURCHASING BEHAVIORS AND IN-HOME FOOD MANAGEMENT OF MILLENNIALS IN THE CONTEXT OF SUSTAINABLE FOOD CONSUMPTION. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 45(3), 573–581. https://doi.org/10.17306/J.JARD.2017.00347

Joanna Kaczorowska 
Krystyna Rejman 
Ewa Halicka 

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