Production of Tomatoes for Processing in Poland Under the Regulations of Common Market Organization of Fruit and Vegetables in the EU


The support for the tomatoes' producers is one of the regulations of common market organization (CMO) for fruits and vegetables in the EU. The aim of this paper was to present the regulations on support for tomatoes processing and to analyse the changes in tomatoes production in Poland after the accession to EU. There was analysed the cultivation area and the production volume of tomatoes cultivated in family farms in Poland, on the background of the support received and the possibility od receiving it. The support for tomatoes production, available till the end of 2007, stimulated the tomatoes production - the cultivation area and the volume of tomatoes harvested - increased. The tomatoes' producers in Poland did not make the most of the available limits of support in 2004 and 2006. The positive eff ect of this regulation could be increasing the number of producers groups and organizations. After the reform of CMO for fruits and vegetables in 2008, the payments for tomatoes' producers historical payments and the support was not connected with the current production. The cultivation area of tomatoes decreased and the production did not increase.


Agricultural policy; Payments for agricultural; Fruit and vegetable products market; Vegetables

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Published : 2015-12-31

Kierczyńska, S. (2015). Production of Tomatoes for Processing in Poland Under the Regulations of Common Market Organization of Fruit and Vegetables in the EU. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 38(4), 717-723.

Sylwia Kierczyńska
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu  Poland

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