Comparative Analysis of Behaviours Related to Functional Foods Among Selected Young Consumers in Poland and Germany


Nutrition is one of the key factors infl uencing human health. Consuming foods that either naturally contain or have been enriched with bioactive substances may aid the organism's proper development and functioning and, most importantly, be a vital element in the prophylaxis of many non-communicable diseases as well as improve general sense of well-being. The aim of the study was to compare behaviours related to functional foods among a selected group of young people. The survey was conducted among 153 purposively selected young consumers from Poland and Germany in March/April 2015. An original survey questionnaire was employed. IBM SPSS Statistics ver. 23 software was used for statistical analysis (chi-squared test p < 0.05). The term "functional foods" was largely unknown among the respondents. A defi nite majority of the survey participants reported having bought and consumed products that, in fact, belong to this group of foods. The main source of information on the topic of functional foods was the Internet. While buying these products, respondents from both countries chiefl y took into account the price, the quality and the list of ingredients. The results point to the need to popularize information about functional foods using trustworthy sources, in order to foster nutritional awareness. Consumer knowledge is the basis for the positive perception and acceptance of health-promoting foods and for making rational dietary choices.


Consumer behaviour; Youth; Functional food

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Published : 2016-12-31

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Magdalena Zegan
Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny  Poland
Ewa Michota-Katulska 
Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny  Poland
Marta Styczeń 
Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny  Poland

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