Sustainable Development of the Farms In Poland


Based on statistical data of the Central Statistical Offi ce regarding Polish farms two linear-dynamic multicriteria optimization models have been created. The fi rst model concerned plant production, the other plant and animal production. In both models, objective functions maximized agricultural income and production, and minimized loss of organic soil matter. Balancing these three objectives is the essence of a farm's sustainable development. The models have been solved with goal programming. The optimal solution yielded a production structure allowing for the highest quality of production, under given conditions of agricultural income, with no degradation of the natural environment. The goal of the following article is to confi rm whether it is possible to simultaneously realize the production, economic and ecological goals of Polish farms over the course of four years. 


Sustainable development; Sustainable agriculture; Agricultural production; Arable farm; Farm household income

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Published : 2016-12-31

Zaród, J. (2016). Sustainable Development of the Farms In Poland. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 41(3), 433-443.

Jadwiga Zaród
Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie  Poland

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