An Attempt to Assess the Impact of Agriculture on the Environment in the Countries of Central-Eastern Europe


The main aim of the study was to identify and evaluate the progress of implementation of selected assumptions on sustainability of agriculture in countries of CentralEastern Europe in relation to environmental protection. Data from the input-output balance sheets and the European Environmental Accounts were used to realize the aim of the study. The analysis considered material fl ows to and from agriculture, pollution, and the production and consumption of biomass. The share of the participation of agribusiness sphere I, including mainly services, as well as the fuel, energy and chemical industries, has been increasing in the material infl ows to agriculture in the countries of CentralEastern Europe. This indicates production modernization, associated with a higher load on the environment. The highest emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants into the environment per 1,000 euro GDP were recorded in Lithuania, Romania and Latvia. The Czech Republic, Slovenia and Slovakia have the lowest values of emissions. In Latvia, there was no overall reduction in pollution emitted by agriculture in 2008-2012. Emission of these pollutants per 1,000 euro GDP and 1 ha UAA (utilized agricultural area) of agricultural land decreased in most countries in the analysis. In EU countries of Central-Eastern Europe, a reduction in direct material input and domestic consumption of biomass from agriculture per one euro of GDP is reported. These changes indicate a decrease in the intensity of use of natural resources (dematerialising economy), which is consistent with the objectives of sustainable development. In countries where agriculture is better developed, the implementation of pro-environmental goals of sustainable development takes place to a greater extent than in countries with lower levels of socio-economic development.


Agriculture; Natural environment; Sustainable development; Environmental pollution; Air pollution; Biomass

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Published : 2016-12-31

Barańska-Szuba, E., & Mrówczyńska-Kamińska, A. (2016). An Attempt to Assess the Impact of Agriculture on the Environment in the Countries of Central-Eastern Europe. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 41(3), 401-412.

Ewelina Barańska-Szuba
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu  Poland
Aldona Mrówczyńska-Kamińska 
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu  Poland

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