Differentiation of Districts of the Małopolskie Voivodeship with Respect to Chosen Social Problems
The phenomenon of unemployment and exacerbating demographic situation can be seen as major social problem of nowadays in Poland. The paper is an attempt to compare districts of the Małopolskie voivodeship with respect to chosen features characterizing these phenomena. On the basis of the data from the Central Statistical Office and with the help of taxonomic methods, grouping of districts has been carried out with respect to the level of features under investigation. The procedure allowed for distinguishing 5 groups of signifi - cant inter-group diff erentiation. The application of taxonomic methods resulted in obtaining a general and, at the same time, accurate picture of diff erentiation of the Małopolskie voivodeship with respect to social problems being analysed and distinction of districts with the most diffi cult situation in this area.
Bezrobocie; Demografia; Taksonomia; Demography; Taxonomy
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Uniwersytet Rolniczy im. Hugona Kołłątaja w Krakowie Poland
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