
Pearl millet has great potential to withstand climate-related risks in marginal areas. However, much remains unknown as to how it contributes to income and food security at the smallholder level. As a result, this study assessed the contributions of pearl millet to the farmers’ income and food security, its production constraints, and connections between stakeholders in the marginal arid tropics of Northeast Amhara. The technology was promoted for five (2015–2019) production years, and data from 223 samples were analyzed. The new pearl millet technology provided better yield (1420 kg·ha-1) and net return (42328 ETB ha-1) than sorghum, even in difficult climatic conditions. Despite the higher cost of production, its additional returns (31638) and effective gains (28838) were higher across the years. The results of the sensory evaluation revealed that “Enjera”, “Tella”, Bread, and Porridge were the farmers’ 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th food type choices of pearl millet, respectively. The trend towards acceptance of the technology made up a large number of the farmers, as 79.5% of those who participated applied the full technology package. Those who did not apply the full package did so due to labor shortages, technological complexity, and insufficient practical training. Therefore, climate-smart pearl millet crop technology is recommended for better and consistent production in marginal arid-tropical areas.


climate change; food security; pearl millet technology; stakeholder connections

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Published : 2023-04-02

Mihiretu, A., Assefa, N., & Wubet, A. (2023). PEARL MILLET, THE HOPE OF FOOD SECURITY IN MARGINAL ARID TROPICS: IMPLICATIONS FOR DIVERSIFYING LIMITED CROPPING SYSTEMS. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 67(1), 93–102.

Ademe Mihiretu, Mr.
Researcher, Socioeconomic and Agricultural Extension  Ethiopia

Researcher of Socioeconomic and Agricultural Extension, Sekota Dry-land Agricultural Research Centre, Sekota, Ethiopia

Netsant Assefa, Ms, 
Assistant researcher, Socioeconomic and Agricultural Extension  Ethiopia

Assistant researcher of Socioeconomic and Agricultural Extension, Sekota Dry-land Agricultural Research Centre, Sekota, Ethiopia

Adane Wubet, Mr. 
Assistant researcher, Socioeconomic and Agricultural Extension  Ethiopia

Assistant researcher of socioeconomic and Agricultural Extension, Sekota Dry-land Agricultural Research Centre, Sekota, Ethiopia

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