
The globalization of the world economy and the processes associated with the liberalization of trade, capital flows and technology produce certain effects for the development of the agricultural sector. This study is aimed at identifying determinants of the development of the pork market on
a global scale. The analysis includ changes in pork production, foreign trade and the activities of the biggest leaders in the pork market. Literature studies, including reports AHDB and USDA were used in the research. The analysis shows that the increasing demand for food and the high cost of production
is a global challenge for pork producers. Increases of industrialization and concentration of production have been found allowing the use of economies of scale. The activities of transnational corporations that invest capital is becoming increasing important where highest profits are achieved. The
competition in international trade is growing, mainly from countries in North and South America which have a price advantage in exports.


pork market; globalization; changes; foreign trade

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Published : 2017-12-31

Szymańska, E. (2017). THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PORK MARKET IN THE WORLD IN TERMS OF GLOBALIZATION. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 46(4), 843–850.

Elżbieta Jadwiga Szymańska
Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Poland  Poland

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