
The concept of circular economy has been gaining in popularity and interest among both scholars and policymakers. It is an alternative to today’s linear system and it focuses
on reducing waste and minimizing the use of resources. The purpose of this paper is to present the challenges related to agricultural transformation towards circular economy, and
to analyze the scope and nature of solutions that could be used under the CAP to support the integration of EU agriculture into the circular economy system. The study is based on a review of papers on circular economy (CE). The review enabled identifying the particularities of CE which showed the potential role for the CAP in implementing CE in agriculture. The conclusions from the research indicate that CAP instruments currently in place have a limited potential to support the adaptation of agriculture to the circular economy. However, it is possible to modify the support criteria so that they stimulate the integration of the EU agricultural sector into the economy model implemented in the EU. However, to accelerate this process, it is necessary to introduce more effective instruments in providing ecosystem services and mechanisms of cooperation with the industry.


EU agriculture; CAP; circular economy; policy impact

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Published : 2019-10-09

Wieliczko, B. (2019). WHAT ROLE FOR THE CAP IN MAKING AGRICULTURE PART OF THE EU CIRCULAR ECONOMY?. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 53(3), 273–279. https://doi.org/10.17306/J.JARD.2019.01103

Barbara Wieliczko  wieliczko@ierigz.waw.pl
Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics – National Research Institute, Poland  Poland

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