
In Popławski and Kaczmarczyk (2013) a method referred to as UEK was presented and used as a tool in the analysis of sustainable rural development. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the methodological inappropriateness of that method. In the linear regression model, the matrix of explanatory variables can have either less than full or full column rank. While all regression parameters are non-estimable in the first case, the well-known and widely used ordinary least squares method can be applied in the second one.


linear regression; Moore–Penrose pseudoinverse; UEK method

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Published : 2019-07-03

Pajor, A., & Kawa, B. (2019). CONSIDERATIONS ON THE VALIDITY AND APPLICABILITY OF THE UEK METHOD. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 52(2), 173–177.

Anna Pajor
Department of Mathematics, Cracow University of Economics, Rakowicka 27 St., 31-510 Kraków  Poland
Barbara Kawa 
Cracow University of Economics  Poland

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