
The organic food market in Poland remains to be a niche one, constituting a small fraction of the Polish food market. Nevertheless, the market of organic food products can function efficiently and develop under several conditions such as optimisation of the supply of raw and ready products as well as organisation of effective distribution channels while respecting the specificity of these channels among certain segments of customers. One of the key areas that requires an in-depth analysis is the question of efforts undertaken on all levels of a marketing chain, which in a model approach consists of food producers, food processing manufacturers and intermediaries. Finding out what actions need to be taken on subsequent links of the chain, thus being able to suggest how to carry out the process of integration and cooperation, is the goal of this study. Considering the results of the original research, conducted among three groupings of people: food producers, food processors and intermediaries, an attempt was made to identify successful solutions for creating networks associated with particular links of the chain. Based on the results, it is possible to identify prerequisites for the prospective growth of an organic food market. As implicated by the interviewees, initiating and implementing collaboration as an element of marketing activities on the organic food market should lead to such a desirable outcome as attaining higher efficiency of market processes, particularly with regard to the distribution of organic products. Implementation of actions based on the integration and cooperation of marketing efforts should translate into the organic food market development, which would benefit all its participants, especially consumers, food producers and food processing entrepreneurs.


organic food market; organisational network; marketing chain; building relationships

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Published : 2019-04-05

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Mariola Grzybowska-Brzezińska
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn  Poland
Olena Gorlowa 
Odessa National Economic University  Ukraine

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