The Relations Between the Output, Income and Stock in Agricultural Farms


In this article an attempt was made to analyse the stock, output, and incomes in individual agricultural farms in Poland, in comparison with farms from the other EU countries in the year 2006. Research was based on the FADN database. The research showed, that (among other things) the Polish average individual farm had a four time lower the balance's sum than the medium one in the EU, and the average output and family farm income were about three times lower in Poland than the average in the Union. The highest share of stock in the balance's sum in Poland three direction of production had: permanent crops combined, specialist other field crops and specialist orchards - fruits. While in the Union the highest stock had the specialist wine. According to the regression's models, in Poland the positive influence on the increase of family farm income had stock, crops and livestock output. In the Union positive influence on an income's growth had crops and livestock production and negative influence had the stock.

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Published : 2009-12-31

Ryś-Jurek, R. (2009). The Relations Between the Output, Income and Stock in Agricultural Farms. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 14(4), 135-148. Retrieved from

Roma Ryś-Jurek

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