XLV International Biometrical Colloquium

Instructions for authors

You are invited to present unpublished papers on the following topics: statistical methods and their applications in life science, biometrics and computer sciences.

Authors intending to contribute are kindly requested to submit one-page abstracts in a digital format, as a Microsoft Word file. The abstract book will be published and distributed to the participants during the conference. Deadline for one-page abstracts is June 30, 2015 for adress: cb45@up.poznan.pl .

The work presented at the Conference may be published in the journals:

Biometrical Letters, e-mail: biometrical.letters@up.poznan.pl.

Redakcja Biometrical Letters
Department of Mathematical and Statistical Methods
University of Life Sciences in POznań
Wojska Polskiego 28,
60-637 Poznań, Poland

Colloquium Biometricum

Full research papers can be considered for inclusion (after review) in the pre-conference 45th volume of Colloquium Biometricum Papers for the volume are welcome.

Full length manuscripts (according to the required format) should be submitted to the following address:

Redakcja Colloquium Biometricum
Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
University of Life Sciences in Lublin
Akademicka 13, P.O. Box 158
20-950 Lublin, Poland

For more information and guidelines for authors visit the journal's website or see PDF format file.

     XLV International Biometrical Colloquium

KMMiS UP Poznań
webmaster: BOGNA ZAWIEJA