XLV International Biometrical Colloquium


You are invited to present unpublished papers on the following topics: statistical methods and their applications in life science, biometrics and computer science.

Authors intending to contribute are kindly requested to submit one-page abstracts in a digital format, as a Microsoft Word file. The abstract book will be published and distributed to the participants during the conference. Deadline for one-page abstracts is June 30, 2015 for adress: cb45@up.poznan.pl .

Oral presentation

Each oral presentation is limited to 25 minutes, including time for discussion. English is the preferred language for the presentations. Computer and audio equipment is available.

Poster presentation

Posters should be in English or Polish. The poster size should be approximately 60 cm wide and 80 cm high. The poster should consist of title, authors' names and affiliation, objectives, methods, results, conclusions, discussion and references.

     XLV International Biometrical Colloquium

KMMiS UP Poznań
webmaster: BOGNA ZAWIEJA